There are a variety of measures that can be taken to significantly enhance the efficiency of your HVAC system, including: reducing HVAC operating hours, limiting heating of unoccupied spaces, examining thermostat controls and locations, undergoing an air balance assessment, minimizing heat losses, updating your equipment or exploring different technologies to heat and ventilate your facility and employing heat recovery.

HVAC Efficiency Upgrade Calculator 1

Utilize this calculator to estimate the energy and cost savings associated with replacing your HVAC unit with a more energy efficient model:2

Complete the fields below and then click "Calculate".

Operational Hours [hrs/yr]

HVAC Exhaust Reduction Calculator 1

Use this calculator to get a general idea of the energy and cost savings associated with exhaust reduction.3

Complete the fields below and then click "Calculate".

Production Hours [hrs/yr]:

For a more accurate savings quote or to apply for our financial incentives:

Contact your Enbridge Gas Energy Solutions Consultant or email

Enbridge Gas offers free services and financial incentives to help you identify and quantify opportunities to save energy. If you are interested in pursuing an HVAC related opportunity contact an Enbridge Gas Energy Solutions Consultant at

1. The calculated estimated savings are estimates only and not guaranteed by Enbridge Gas. The accuracy of this calculation is dependent upon the accuracy of the variables entered into the calculator and the relevancy of the assumptions used in the calculation to your specific facility (see assumptions below for details). For a more accurate savings estimate contact an Enbridge Gas Energy Solutions Consultant.

2. Assumptions: The building is located in the GTA, heating efficiency levels are standard, and natural gas costs are estimated at $0.25/m3.

3. Assumptions: The building is located in the GTA, has a direct fired MUA system, typical Heating system efficiency and typical indoor air temperature. The natural gas costs are estimated at $0.30/m3.

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