The Enbridge Gas London Lines Replacement Project is a vital construction project serving various communities in Middlesex and Lambton Counties. Construction on this project is almost complete, and any remaining activities are expected to be fully complete in early 2023.

The project required the installation of approximately 82 kilometres of 4-inch and 6-inch diameter natural gas pipeline. The project was designed to improve system integrity and provide operational flexibility by replacing two pipelines in the area (known as the London Lines).

The London Lines Replacement Project also included the construction of an 8.4 km secondary 6-inch pipeline which reinforces the new pipeline from a source near Strathroy. This starts within the Township of Dawn-Euphemia near Dawn Valley Road and Bentpath Lane. It then continues through the municipality of Southwest Middlesex and ends at two locations: within the Municipality of Middlesex Centre at a newly rebuilt station on Komoka Road, south of Glendon Drive; and at a newly rebuilt station at Calvert Drive and Sutherland Road in the Municipality of Strathroy-Caradoc.

Project status/timeline

  • Feasibility

  • Environmental studies

  • Regulatory review

  • Regulatory approval

  • Under construction

  • In-service

Project status/timeline

  • Feasibility

  • Environmental studies

  • Regulatory review

  • Regulatory approval

  • Under construction

  • In-service

Project information