Full steam ahead on energy savings

Many industrial and institutional customers have steam systems in place, but they’re often an overlooked source of energy and cost savings. Although the industry is constantly changing—new products, new ways of doing things—it’s common to see machinery that hasn’t kept up with production cycles. We can help you improve and upgrade with expert help and incentives.

Why upgrade?

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    Achieve long-term energy savings.

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    Improve operational efficiency.

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    Enhance employee comfort and productivity.

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    Reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.

Which buildings can benefit?

Manufacturing facilities
Institutional buildings

What you need to know about steam systems

Steam systems are made up of three parts:

  1. Steam generation (where the steam is made; the boiler).
  2. Steam distribution (lines that distribute it).
  3. Steam end-use (e.g., cooking milk, heating water).

Our Energy Solutions Advisors offer complimentary walkthroughs or virtual assessments of your facility to analyze your steam system and provide recommendations for improvements.

Typically, our advisors look at end-use steam first to find ways to optimize what you’re using now.

Next, they look at distribution. Just like electricity lines, there are efficiency losses in steam distribution lines. We recommend insulating valves and lines, and replacing steam traps where necessary. Enbridge Gas incentives pay up to 50 percent of the incremental cost of these improvements.

Then, we move on to the generation side. These projects can be more costly, but can also have a significant impact on energy use.

Why work with us? Expert help, at every step

We’ll help you identify energy-efficient opportunities.
See a detailed calculation of potential savings with incentives.
Get incentives when you implement our recommendations.

Your fresh set of eyes

“You probably look at your steam system from the perspective of, ‘Is it doing what it’s supposed to do?’ We’re your fresh set of eyes, helping you look at your steam system from the perspective of, ‘Is it costing more than it needs to?’"

Damir Naden
Supervisor, Large Industrial and Institutional, Enbridge Gas

Incentives for steam system upgrades

We provide incentives to support both the implementation of energy-efficiency projects and energy audits.

Industrial Custom Engineering Program

Get up to 50 percent of incremental project costs for steam system upgrades, up to $100,000 per project.

See details

Industrial Studies & Assessments

Get up to 50 percent of costs to measure and assess your steam system.

Learn more

Connect with an Energy Solutions Advisor

We’ll help you find ongoing savings and get your project underway.

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